Real-World Choices

I have never been a big fan of New York Times columnist Tom Friedman. Sometimes I’ve agreed with him, sometimes not, but he generally comes across (to me, at least) as patronizing–someone who engages in the sort of “coastal elitist” hectoring that conservatives love to hate and the ideological “middle-of-the-roadism” that sets liberal teeth on edge.

In this column, however, he hits it out of the park.

Friedman makes an argument–vote straight Democratic in the upcoming midterm elections– that has often been made by Pete, one of the most thoughtful of this blog’s regular commenters. It is emphatically not an argument that Democrats are all “good guys” untainted by the moral and ethical deficiencies that permeate the GOP.

It is instead a (far more eloquent) restatement of what has become my own mantra, to wit: I don’t vote for the lesser of two evils. I vote for the person/party that is pandering to the people who are least dangerous.

To put that another way: I recognize that all politicians are beholden in some fashion to the interest groups that support them, so I’m going to evaluate the priorities of those interest groups and vote for the candidate who is beholden to the ones most closely aligned with what I believe to be the common good.

As Friedman puts it,

It is not a choice between the particular basket of policies offered by the candidates for House or Senate in your district or state — policies like gun control, right to choose, free trade or fiscal discipline. No, what this election is about is your first chance since 2016 to vote against Donald Trump.

As far as I am concerned, that’s the only choice on the ballot. It’s a choice between letting Trump retain control of all the key levers of political power for two more years, or not.

If I were writing the choice on a ballot, it would read: “Are you in favor of electing a majority of Democrats in the House and/or Senate to put a check on Trump’s power — when his own party demonstrably will not? Or are you in favor of shaking the dice for another two years of unfettered control of the House, the Senate and the White House by a man who wants to ignore Russia’s interference in our election; a man whose first thought every morning is, ‘What’s good for me, and can I get away with it?’; a man who shows no compunction about smearing any person or government institution that stands in his way; and a man who is backed by a party where the only members who’ll call him out are those retiring or dying?”

If your answer is the former, then it can only happen by voting for the Democrat in your local House or Senate race.

The same issue of the Times that carried Friedman’s column reported on a study of the issues being raised thus far in 2018 by Republican contenders for the House and Senate. The overwhelming majority are emphasizing their antagonism to immigration and immigrants–a (slightly) less obvious way to appeal to what the media likes to characterize as “racial anxieties.”

Are there racist Democrats? Sure. But they belong to a multi-racial, multi-ethnic party. To exhibit such attitudes is likely to be the kiss of political death. Are there Democrats who are “in the pocket” of corporate interests? Again, yes. But there are degrees of corruption, and right now, most Democratic officeholders obey ethical constraints that their Republican counterparts cheerfully ignore.

Friedman (and Pete) are correct:

What we’ve learned since 2016 is that the worst Democrat on the ballot for the House or Senate is preferable to the best Republican, because the best Republicans have consistently refused to take a moral stand against Trump’s undermining of our law enforcement and intelligence agencies, the State Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Civil Service, the basic norms of our public life and the integrity of our elections.

Here’s the bottom line. Refusing to vote for Democratic candidates who fall short of ideal–opting to make the perfect the enemy of the good– is a vote for Trump and Trumpism. Pretending otherwise is intellectually dishonest.


  1. Right on! I’ve done this since the Republicans swept Congress in 2010.

  2. Yes. Politics is a TEAM sport. The team decides how things are run more than the individual player. The “R” team has been on the wrong side of history for the last 90 years. Easy call.
    And voting is like driving.
    Select “D” to go forward.
    Select “R” to go backward

  3. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision on Citizens United, we aren’t even voting for special interest groups. We are voting for moneyed interest that are viewing our country’s well-being as a game of winner takes all.

  4. “Refusing to vote for Democratic candidates who fall short of ideal–opting to make the perfect the enemy of the good– is a vote for Trump and Trumpism. Pretending otherwise is intellectually dishonest.”

    There are good progressive democrats running like Cynthia Nixon and the establishment-backed a DINO. Even the champion of the feminists, HRC backed the man over a woman. It’s not just a simple choice of Trump or a Democrat…talk about “intellectual dishonesty”.

    Establishment democrats play the corporate game of “win at any cost” just like the GOP. If your goal in this country is to see less obnoxious theocrats on TV, then by all means, vote a straight ticket and fall into the mindless ranks of the GOP.

    Guess who else wants you to play that game?

    The DNC because they made no changes to their platform after getting blasted for over a decade…they pushed all their chips on RussiaGate and Trumpism. LOL

    If that’s all it takes for you tribalists to vote D, you’re no different than the tribe on the right who twist their beliefs to support a sexist pig in the WH. We mock them every day, but you would expect intelligent people to look at why D’s lost 1,000’s of seats and the working class voters and show the D’s we “ain’t being played any longer.”

    There are many intelligent minorities figuring it out too and they either stop voting or support third parties. They know there will be painful days ahead (sacrifice) but they are willing to get a political party to act like they want our vote versus being corporate whores no matter what.

    Do you know who benefited more under the Obama presidency?

    Eight whole years of a minority president and Wall Street get ultra rich and the average worker got hardly anything. Obama wouldn’t even visit Farrakhan to explain why in Chicago because they already had the Goldman’s Sachs servant pegged. Not one single fraudulent banker was jailed. Not even those from HSBC who was money laundering for the Mexican drug gangs.

    Barnum T. Bailey was correct…

  5. We learned a hard lesson throughout 7 of President Obama’s 8 years of administration. That is; the Legislature has all the power and rules this country. The Electoral College was established to protect the country from the likes of Trump but evidently didn’t consider the possibility of the entire Legislature – and Judicial – branches being the likes of the leader they are to protect us from. The only way to make an inroad into the current chaotic dilemma we are suffering is IF voters vote straight Democratic party to clean House and Senate of ruling Republicans. And even if we accomplish that feat; it will only be an inroad – it will not be a solution. Congress has allowed Trump full reign over all; no matter how dangerous or who is endangered by his words, Tweets and actions. I stopped being an Independent voter the first election after 2000.

    “…all politicians are beholden in some fashion to the interest groups that support them…”

    One response by Barack Obama during his campaign regarding presidential pandering to “special interest groups” has stuck with me through the years. Paraphrasing his response, “Even a group of women knitters is a “special interest group” and all deserve attention, I will do my best to recognize those deserving.” He proved those words had meaning each time he attended meetings with government officials and the public and worked with victims of catastrophes massive and small in number. His tears were real after viewing the bodies of 20 first graders and their teachers blown apart at Sandy Hook school. One mother of a dead daughter in the Santa Fe, Texas, school shooting said time with Trump was like speaking with a toddler. This is no surprise.

    President Obama, and to a lesser extent, President George W. Bush turned attention away from themselves and to the issue at hand while Trump has not stopped applauding himself for years and turns all attention to himself. A handful of Republicans in positions of leadership have spoken against Trump publicly but voted their full support for any of his hair-brained schemes and pushed through bills authored to suit his whims to be signed with his Sharpie. Nothing that has been passed in this 16 months has been to aid anyone but the wealthy; nothing of humanitarian value will be passed as long as he sits in the Oval Office. Yesterday Sen. McConnell made his first wise comment in years; he warned that Trump needs to beware being “snookered” by the North Koreans, advice that will not be heard or followed. Trump is ready to let the war games begin…and to him, everything about this presidency is a game.

  6. Todd; you AGAIN missed Sheila’s basic message in this blog. The Democrats are NOT all the good guys and Republicans are NOT all the bad guys; we have been forced into this position by one party and must elect their – and some of them our – opposition to fight our way out. How the hell do you think the Republican PARTY is now the ruling force without voting party only at the polls?

  7. My problem with rallying around a “vote against Trump” is this is precisely what Hillary tried and failed. If he gets lucky on a couple of things e.g. economy, detente with North Korea, Dems better have a message or young people will stay at home and minorities will under perform.

  8. I agree with everything that Sheila and Tom Friedman said. To put it succinctly, it makes sense to be a Yellow-Dog Democrat – that is, if the only one running against a Republican is a yellow dog, you should vote for the yellow dog.

  9. I knew some tribalists would rally around this article…mindless D’s, so I added this from Twitter today posted by Sameera Khan:

    “If you liberals continue to stand against Trump w/o opposing the economic system that facilitated the rise of Trump, someone much worse will gain power and then you will be rehabilitating Trump’s image just the way you are now rehabilitating Bush’s image.”

    So no, I didn’t miss anyone’s point. If you want to expand your horizons, you might want to sign up for a Twitter account and listen to the young people and real journalists…not the corporate filtered propaganda from CNN and MSNBC. 😉

    Otherwise, you are no different than the tribes we discuss/mock on the right who list to Rush and watch Fox News. 😉

  10. “Here’s the bottom line. Refusing to vote for Democratic candidates who fall short of ideal–opting to make the perfect the enemy of the good– is a vote for Trump and Trumpism. Pretending otherwise is intellectually dishonest.”

    This is exactly the argument my conservative friends, who think all Dems are evil, made to me when I told them I was voting for Richard Mourdock’s Democrat opponent (I’m a registered Republican who votes for who I think is best qualified and displays the character attributes and principles I want to see in a politician). I believe that under most circumstances it is a flawed argument. Not all Democrat candidates are bad and the same goes for Republican candidates. Voting for the best candidates regardless of party in my view insures a balance of power. However, there are times when this balance gets totally out of whack, and we are in one of those times. So I reluctantly have to agree with the bottom line of Sheila’s post. We have no more (or an insignificant number of) Republicans of conscience, so a vote for any Republican is capitulation to ideologies that are corrupt all the way down.

  11. The excuse makers can do all the rationalization they wish but at the end of the day, or legislative term if you will, I’m voting straight D for the first time in my life. I used to be a republican until Trump won my states nomination. I’d been disappointed in their platforms for a while, mostly because it catered to the wealthy at the expense of the average American in so many ways but Trump brought out the racist, the xenophobes, the extreme partisan hacks who had a “I got mine, F— you while I try to take yours” mentality. The democrats are far from perfect but at least they are forward looking and understand that freedom means more than the right to own and leave any firearm you choose laying around for your toddler or troubled teen to misuse.

  12. We are subjected, on a regular basis, to Todd’s disdain for anyone not him. That sounds so much like a Republican has to make one wonder why he even bothers writing to this blog – since we are all the treaded tribalists that he so loathes.

    Yes, the DNC is behaving badly, but there are hundreds, maybe a thousand new Democrats running for office across the country. No, they are not just running against Trump, but for the rights of the people. Those rights, and our collective demands for our right of decency from our leadership, must win the day. If Republicanism isn’t defeated in November, there may not be another election as the orange hairball says he wants to be king for life.

    As stated, Republicanism is locked into Trump such that our democratic republic will go glimmering to the savagery of despotic dictatorship lead by the absolute worst person in the world. It is the electoral sloth provided by the 92 million voters who stayed home in 2016. Who is to blame for that?

  13. It is absolutely essential that we throw sand in the gears of the Trump machine before he destroys us, and the rest of the world as well.

    Once we have stopped him, we can put pressure on the Dems – which we are already doing – by supporting progressive Democrats at all levels.

    We’re running out of time folks!

  14. Vernon; if I may borrow some of your own words from the Preface of “Why Angels Weep: America and Donald Trump”:

    “Remember when we, the United States, complained about partisan politics and loudly proclaimed that we must limit partisanship in our own country?”

    We see the results of partisanship, which has reached siege level, every minute of every hour of every day as we watch the Republican partisanship chip away at democracy and eat away at the Constitution. We are at a place in history that, for our national salvation, we must resort to “fighting fire with fire”; that means taking drastic action by using our own partisanship to survive. A line from “Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid” fits here; “Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.”

  15. Todd, the “tribalists” among us Democrats can be said by any rational standard to be better than the “tribalists” among Republicans who are allowing an emolument-free presidential masquerader and his family to run free in a sea of corruption, personal interests financed by China and Russia, constant lying without being called for it, not to mention a Putin-lover and one who changes his mind on whatever he says or promises in five minutes, destruction with a wave of his hand of treaties and other protocols in trade and foreign relations that have been so painfully and delicately nurtured since WW II etc.

    Perfection is unattainable in politics as in any other human effort, of course, but to suggest as you have that one should vote Republican because of Democratic improprieties in the past (considering the gross failure of the Republican Party to govern and reign in its madman in the Oval Office at the center of the current chaos) stands neither the tests of logic nor morality.

  16. Amazing, some how if you do not vote for Democrats you are intellectually dishonest. So, you voted for Joe Donnelly last time around, because he was a “D” or his opponent was repulsive. What did you receive for that vote – a DINO, who for no good reason has voted with the Reactionary Right Wing Republicans and The Trumpet (Aka Agent Orange) several times over.

    The Democrats since 2016 have been wallowing in self pity. Actually, the Democratic Party since 1990 has been on a steady decline in the US House, Senate and the number of Governorship’s held. Why do you suppose that is??? Oh, yeah all sorts of excuses, that end up sounding like the dog ate my homework.

    Voting for the “D’s” just because they are “D’s” is the political version of the “Prosperity Gospel”. After nearly two years of Trumpism, the best shot is -We are not Trumpets. What hollowness. The leadership at the DNC decided the best course of action with their funds was to initiate a totally frivolous lawsuit against Wikileaks, the Trump campaign and some Russians.

    Why can’t all the Democrats get behind HR 676 – Enhanced Medicare for All?? What’s the problem???

  17. last nights NPR local in bismarck n.d. had their so called news round table. first, ill explain, prairie public radio is, by far the most conservitive npr ive heard from my travels around the country. dave thompson is the long time news person so he sets the talks up. few times others have been able to join, but,as ive listen friday, seems theres soooooo much here in nodak to discuss. topics, sen hietkamps(d)(dino)run for another term, the texas oil barons visit the bakken oil area,and ask why were soooo good at costs…the export of domestic oil,now. and never a word about the working class,trumps disrespect,world matters,or even domesic,outside of this small red world. They have fear, heitkamps run against congressman cramer for the senate seat,hes giving up as lone congressperson.. agased,,heitkamp may loose… though she has a ginourmus oil and corp fund ,with the kochs,to support her game. ive wrote her many times,got generic answers,and asked she change party,,3 times… im a progressive, my view, her stand with oil and gas lost her the native american voter. (dapl)her stand with gorcsh lost her civil rights voters,and many women, no lose with pruitt, since this state swims in oil with oil companies. otherwise, the news here speaks higly of her.. diesel her is average 3.15 gal, of course the new export market had nothing to do with the rise of the barrel of oil,right? along with trumps rhetoric,right? like i said, they cover feel good issues,on a partisan basis here.. p.s. were hearing we have more oil than saudi arabia, were money short in the general fund,the state owned bank,bnc,is looking to use the slush fund to keep infrastructure repairs going, colleges here are taking a 20% cut,winter maintanece is the worst of any state ive ever driven in as a trucker.(because ya cant sue the state) and our state parks sure could use a boost in attention. now, we ship 1 million barrels a day of oil that is, the best refining oil for gasoiline and diesel.. and nodak wont tax enough of it to keep our priorites intact, again, whos affraid of who? that oil is so valued by industry,that thier lies about pulling out,is,lies,but then again we have trump,like politicians here,who,give it all to thier buddies as the working class here just gets a higher cost of living…

  18. Those who keep asking for a Democratic Party vision won’t get anything worth using. Dems are terrible at marketing. More essential for House races is to remember that all politics is LOCAL. Plan to resolve the issue your constituents care about most. Forget about Todd. He’ll continue to vote for the Jill Steins of this world. Who cares that she knows less about the world than 45?

    I encourage everyone to temper your outrage. It’s a long way to November and we don’t need potential voters to be so fatigued that they turn off completely. Stop focusing on 45 and focus on policy issues. In West Virginia, do we really want coal sludge in our drinking water? In Texas, do we really want to take land away from homeowners to build a wall that won’t stop anyone?

    Dems can win that way, but we still need to get the voters to the polls.

  19. What makes this rare B&W argument to me can be found in few words. Trump and Pence.

    When I engineered for a living one of the truisms that we used regularly was the “Pareto Principle” which recognized that often 20% of the cause produce 80% of the effect. Learning to fly I was advised it in other words, “first, fly the damn plane”. When you are the pilot, no matter how dire other problems in the plane become, if you pay attention to them rather than flying the plane you compound dire most likely into fatal.

    There’s no doubt that we have many adjustments to be made in government as it evolved in the last half century and we ultimately can’t neglect any of them. But first fly the damn plane. We have to end the dire consequences of TrumPence with sycophantic control of the Legislative and Judicial Branchs as well as the Executive. We can’t count on any solution of the critical problem an anomalous election inflicted on democracy, but we can cripple it this year, in a few months actually.

    In my opinion anything else we can actually do right now pales in comparison.

    This could well be the only time that I personally would ever even think of doing such a thing. It’s way too extremist once we return to some semblance of normal, but that fact doesn’t identify any more effective action we can take right now.

  20. What makes this rare B&W argument to me can be found in few words. Trump and Pence.

    When I engineered for a living one of the truisms that we used regularly was the “Pareto Principle” which recognized that often 20% of the cause produce 80% of the effect. Learning to fly I was advised it in other words, “first, fly the damn plane”. When you are the pilot, no matter how dire other problems in the plane become, if you pay attention to them rather than flying the plane you compound dire most likely into fatal.

    There’s no doubt that we have many adjustments to be made in government as it evolved in the last half century and we ultimately can’t neglect any of them. But first fly the damn plane. We have to end the dire consequences of TrumPence with sycophantic control of the Legislative and Judicial Branchs as well as the Executive. We can’t count on any solution of the critical problem an anomalous election inflicted on democracy, but we can cripple it this year, in a few months actually.

    In my opinion anything else we can actually do right now pales in comparison.

    This could well be the only time that I personally would ever even think of doing such a thing. It’s way too extremist once we return to some semblance of normal, but that fact doesn’t identify any more effective action we can take right now.

  21. Todd Smekens: “…listen to the young people and real journalists…not the corporate filtered propaganda from CNN and MSNBC. ?

    “Otherwise, you are no different than the tribes we discuss/mock on the right who list(en) to Rush and watch Fox News.”


    None of the programs/sources that you condemn or approve are actual news shows. None. Not even if they have the word NEWS tacked on their name. When we watch the shows you list, we are watching mere news interpretation, apparently because we find rash interpretation more fetching than real news.

    The news – NOTHING BUT THE NAKED NEWS – on television can only be found on those half-hour news programs in the evening, such as: CBS News, ABC News and NBC News. Those network news programs could be considered “BONDED” news programs…bonded because they invest huge financial resources in their legal departments,… which in a sense are resources set aside, in the way of a bond, to contend against accusations of defamation, libel, slander and the reporting of outright lies. That investment slash bond is an ante into the big boy game of real news, which in its effect places the news program under pressure to multi-check sources, hire ethical pros and spare the network forfeiture of those legal resources (a.k.a., loss of bond).

    My complaint: the television shows that engage in reporting actual news and nothing but the news are too few, too short and too restricted to profit.

    The public (through their elected representatives), having given networks and cable companies permission to make windfall profits around the clock with almost no restrictions on method or ethic, I purport we then have the right to demand and the networks the obligation to expand and proliferate their real news shows and air them as a public responsibility at network expense with no expectations of profit.

    Why do we even bother watching CNN, Fox and CNBC? Maybe, because the three real (but treated like a stepchild) news programs can only spare about 20 minutes of their time each day. Maybe because when it is convenient for me to tune in and watch the news, the real news givers have called it a day, or are otherwise busy off air schmoozing advertisers, boosting the bottom line and reversing churn rate.

  22. I don’t know if I consider myself a Democrat or not because according to my Political Compass, I’m much further left than Bernie Sanders.

    I agree with this blog and Friedman to do what Willy Nelson says just “Vote Them Out”. Watching Bill Maher last night I was reminded of this and realized how simple it is. Vote THEM OUT. I don’t care if you’re a R or a D. Nobody should be voted back in unless they do the will of the people and right now, we have people on both sides that are not doing their job that they were elected to do. Shame on them all.

    My hope is that in November, we can elect a new crop of people with the intentions of actually governing because what we have now is not governing. It is pandering to the folks that are giving large sums of money from who knows where, to make everything easy for corporations and rich folks to keep them happy. All the while, we poor schmucks are trying to make a living and survive.

  23. Putting the kibosh on an impending trainwreck is our next job here in America. This mess has gone on long enough. Republicans, Democrats, or whatever have to recognize the powers that be are doing much more than ‘draining the swamp’ they are draining our balance of power resources and are taking us into a world of lawlessness. Todd Smekens, I’m not really sure if you feel the need to contribute to this blog in order to remind both yourself and the rest of us the extent of our differences or if you just feel the need to be the opposition. Regardless nothing you have said so far has convinced me you are right. I’m not a political animal but my gut feelings have served me well for 70 some years and now my gut feelings tell me something must be done to bring this country back to its place in the world. I am not willing to sit back and watch the (as we so politely classify Nazis) right wing extremists become ensconced in positions of power as they are in Europe, and I am not willing to sit back and watch the moral majority take over the country. We all know the outcome of religious extremism in power and this president makes all this even more possible than it has been in the past and he does it in the name of furthering his own agenda.
    To sum it all up I am not about to sit and wait for this person in charge to fill his coffers at the expense of an entire country. I will vote a straight D ticket whether or not it is the perfect solution; in my mind and heart at this time it is the only solution.

  24. As a former R who saw the party move to far right for me, it is my belief that we must vote for what most benefits my country . Right now, that means I will vote D until trump is gone. Nothing this man stands for is what I was raised to believe!

  25. Rebecca – You are right to so succinctly observe that you cannot vote for Trump or his minions because such a vote would not be in the best interests of your country. Your conclusion is backed by massive evidence. Persevere.

  26. Wonderful discussion! I think lots of people simply don’t believe what we see happening. It is. Most folks are too young to remember WWII clearly and how it affected the people of the world. If each person carried a few voter registration cards and helped them register, it would make a huge difference, esp if we have each person take a card to give a friend.

  27. Thank you Sheila!
    In some ways Tom Friedman rubs me the same way but I do normally listen to him. He’s right about this and there’s no way around it. If we want to save this country, and ultimately the world as we have come to know it, then we have no choice but to vote for anyone that stands against Donald Trump, his allies within and outside government and HIS party as former Speaker of the House John Boehner referred to what’s left of the Republican Party just a few days ago. Right now, there is no real Republican party, just a bunch of sycophants and crooks that put their fearless leader and their own political largess before the welfare and survival of this Nation. We see an everyday and we have to do much more than just shrug our shoulders and complain about it.

    This latter day Mussolini cannot be allowed to wreck all the international systems that have been in place since the end of the Second World War, bought and paid for by the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, since by doing that we will not be safe from the chaos that ensues and it will be chaos of an order that we have never seen before. By doing what he’s doing he’s playing right into the hands of the Russians and the Chinese who are itching to take our place in that world order and reduce us to an “also ran” status that will be the nadir of this country as we know it.

    The choices we face are that stark and we better face up to that fact as soon as we can and act accordingly. We are the only ones that can do this and if we fail to do it we will have only ourselves to blame and as we proceeding into a future that none of us that are in their right minds would want we will know that we let it happen.

  28. In a race between X, Y, and Z:

    – X’s supporters will say “A vote for Z is a vote for Y”
    – Y’s supporters will say “A vote for Z is a vote for X”

    BOTH ARE WRONG. A vote for Z is a vote for Z – nothing more, nothing less. Hillary lost because she rigged the DNC and gave a middle finger to Bernie supporters by choosing a moderate/right running mate and pandering to Republicans instead of the party’s base. So, enough Bernie supporters chose a different candidate or stayed home that Trump’s con game won the day.

    Do we need to stop Trump? Yes, absolutely. But Hillary’s co-opting the DNC for her own personal gain is a big reason we’re in this position. But if I’m the DNC, I’d be working overtime to put the best possible candidates in every race, rather than counting on Trump’s horrific, evil corruption to do my hard work for me. That lesson should have been learned in 2016.

  29. While we have a two party system with first past the post elections, one should vote for whoever one would prefer during the primary. Then, vote for the person who can win (one of the two major parties) in the general.

    The Primaries are where you push to get your liberal/progressive person. If that person doesn’t make it to the general you just have to vote for the “less than ideal” option. That’s how our system is structured. I’m all for revamping that to ranked voting or what have you, but that’s not the case at the moment, so…

  30. Todd: A vote for Trump, or for anyone who stands silently by and watches him undermine our most important institutions, is clearly a vote for the divine right of kings. If you agree with Trump’s disdain for the rule of law, or his belief that Russian interference in America’s elections should not be acknowledged or countered, then you can help expedite the demise of democracy by continuing to back him. If you are an owner of a mob-like mindset or a mob-like circle of friends and relatives like those of our president, then you acknowledge supporting both his criminality and his psychoses. Your advocacy of treasonous actions may, like his so far, go unpunished, but don’t dismiss, out of hand, that there may be a day of reckoning. Democracy’s advocates will not walk away from this fight. Robert Mueller is unlikely to toss in his investigatory towel. There may/will be blood.

  31. T Munson,Todd is not a pro-Trump supporter. Not at all. Perhaps you’re a bot sent by the DNC to discredit anyone unwilling to support its agenda,I’d say our algorithm is off to believe otherwise.

  32. That should read…

    Not at all. Perhaps you’re a bot sent by the DNC to discredit anyone unwilling to support its agenda? I’d say your algorithm is off to believe otherwise.

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